This review has been about 2 years in the making. Two years
ago I brewed a Saison, which I split at bottling. Half was bottled as a regular
Saison and the other half was racked into a 3 gallon carboy and the dregs from
a Russian River Temptation was poured into it. I let the carboy sit for about a
year and then bottled it. The beer has been conditioning in the bottles for
almost a year.
Appearance: Cloudy
orangish-yellow with a fluffy white head that slowly fades to a thin lacing and
clings to the side of the glass.
Aroma: Peach,
tart apricots, some spicy Saison yeast remains, and some wheat notes with a
hint or barnyard and acid notes. I’m pretty happy to see the Brett making an appearance;
hopefully it will continue to develop over time. The aroma is best described as
a Saison blended with Temptation.
Taste: Sour
peach, spicy yeast, a touch of wheat twang, a bit of acetic acid
and mustiness. I’m happy it ended up being sour. I was always worried about it
never souring. The sourness is less than you would find in a bottle of
Temptation but it’s possible that more time could have changed this. The flavor
like the aroma is similar to a Saison blended with Temptation.
Mouthfeel: Very effervescent
with a medium thin body and a lingering dry sour finish. I would say that it’s
probably over carbonated, but for the style it might not be overall. This is
the risk you run when dealing with Brettanomyces though. Nothing a little
swirling of the glass can’t fix.
Overall: I’m very
pleased with my first attempt at a sour wild ale. There are a few things I
would change for the next time. I might let it sit a few months longer and sour
a little bit more. Maybe 6 more months, but it was hard to since I was excited
about it; however, now I have 20 gallons souring in 4 different locations so it
should be easier this time. I would also probably not add as much priming
sugar. I think the Saison was a good base beer, but next time I would also go
with yeast that does not add as much special character to the beer, Ardennes would probably be a good choice. Regardless I’m very pleased with it and wish I
had more bottles.